Having a pretty face does not guarantee a successful career in modeling. With this generation’s massive use of social media, models and celebrities need to learn how to package and...
You've heard over and over again that your business should be using Pinterest, but are you really taking this advice? And if so, to what extent? Are you paying as much attention to...
Twitter is sharing some research from studies it conducted with Millward Brown and Crimson Hexagon about Twitter's role in the buying process for shoppers. Twitter says its finding...
ShareThis has a new report out combining third-party purchase data and its own social data to examine the value of a pin on Pinterest.
"Pinterest's recent valuation at $11 bill...
Facebook marketing hasn't gotten any easier over the years, and perhaps in recognition of that fact, the company just announced some new resources for marketers aimed at helping ed...
Reddit is now letting people embed its comment threads on their websites. They've been doing this for a couple of months with a limited number of people while the feature was in be...
Facebook announced that it is going to begin offering topic data to marketers in an effort to let businesses get a better idea of what people are saying about their products on Fac...
Video has become huge for Facebook, and Twitter is hoping it can follow a similar path. Autoplay has certainly lent itself well to Facebook's success, and it sounds like Twitter is...