Every now and then, a debate will pop up in the Blogosphere/Twitterverse about whether or not RSS is dead. One such debate has been raging this week, and has even got some high...
You've probably noticed that Quora has been getting a lot of press here in early 2011. As a result, the site is getting a lot of new users. As a result of that, there is growing...
I shuffled to the front of the room and scanned the crowd, looking on in bored anticipation. I stood up straight and addressed the room, "My name's John Wiggill and I'm a F...
For a long time, supporters of Google's experiments in social media were able to point to Orkut's success in Brazil and India. In those countries, at least, the social net...
One of the essential hires for companies that want to affect real change as a social media savvy organization connecting with people and communities is a Community Manager. &nbs...
I’ve received a series of inbound requests for comments based on a report from Gartner, an IT analyst firm, that estimates as many as 70-percent of social media campaigns...
Online travel website Expedia has launched the “You Name it Contest and Sweepstakes,” on its Facebook page with the aim of coming up with a better name for its Vacat...
Do you need a website to run a successful business these days? In years past, the answer would have seemed to be: almost certainly. Granted, not all businesses operate the same...
Which is more valuable to business - Facebook or Twitter? It's a question that business owners struggle with every day in the quest for building a larger customer base, and reta...
In 2010, cyber-criminals created and distributed one-third of all existing viruses, creating 34 percent of all malware that has ever existed, according to PandaLabs annual secur...