The Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) Dragon spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS) this morning. The docking represents another as-planne...
Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) yesterday evening launched its Dragon spacecraft into orbit from Cape Canaveral. The Dragon was lifted by a Falcon 9 rocket at 8:35 am, rig...
NASA this week is preparing for the first SpaceX launch under its Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) contract. NASA has not had the capability, on its own, to deliver and return c...
For years, we've entrusted the future of space exploration to public agencies and they have done a great job. NASA was able to land on the moon, send a rover to Mars, and make a sa...
SpaceX continues to push its space dominating agenda forward with its newest test of the 'Merlin 1D" rocket propulsion system. Building on the technology from its previous 3 launch...
SInce the dawn of human space flight, I would highly doubt that there is a single human that hasn't at least once in their life looked at the moon and thought, "I'd love to go ther...
Mars One has a goal. That goal is to put 4 humans on a one way trip to Mars. Thats right, one way, as in no one is coming back home. The idea is from Holland, isn't that weird? The...