The next time you hear Steve Ballmer saying that he wants Microsoft to succeed in the mobile market, do not doubt his sincerity. A proxy statement released by Microsoft ye...
Last week, Eric Schmidt stated in an interview that Bing, not Apple or Facebook, is Google's biggest competitor. Now Steve Ballmer has responded, essentially agreeing and...
Microsoft feels threatened by the iPad. That was made clear by the words of CEO Steve Ballmer at Microsoft's financial analysts meeting. Microsoft intends to come out swinging w...
The tablet PC market may not be an easy one for Google - and its new operating system - to enter. Steve Ballmer indicated this morning that Microsoft is "hardcore&quo...
About 10 days ago, Steve Ballmer indicated that he didn't share Google's views with regards to China; Ballmer said that Microsoft would continue operating in China regardless of...
In case you were wondering, Microsoft doesn't plan to let the whole Google-China brouhaha affect its business strategy. Steve Ballmer recently indicated that his company w...