Robert Kirkman, the creator of the original comic "The Walking Dead", and the Executive Producer for the TV series adaptation, is now working with AMC on another project: "...
This season's finale left a lot of characters with blood on their hands and holes in their hearts.
Carl's gunshot attracted a large group of zombies who killed Patricia, Dale, a...
The Walking Dead may be one of the biggest pop culture phenomenons to ever grace our televisions. It took the usual campy subject of zombies and made it into something with more bi...
We wake up today to find that "The Walking Dead: The Game" Gets A Teaser Trailer. The trailer doesn't really give anything away as to what the game is going to be like or how it is...
Spoilers are an epidemic. Just last week I DVR'd The Walking Dead, with plans to watch it later, to only have it ruined via a Facebook update. I never wanted a dislike button more...
With no Super Bowl in its way, nor any other entertainment conflicts of note, AMC's smash hit, The Walking Dead is back for the second half of its second season. Naturall...
The Walking Dead is a massive hit from its origins in graphic novels to it's debut on AMC as a full television series, the show is a ratings juggernaut. Now with the mid-season qui...