Silicon Valley, HBO's hilarious series about a team of tech dreamers navigating the pitfalls of living and working in the cradle of innovation, has just been given an official prem...
In order to help the world's most-beloved astrophysicist continue his quest to educate the American public on the cosmos and beyond, someone is giving Neil deGrasse Tyson a late-ni...
It looks like MTV has cast its blonde scream queen.
Bella Thorne, who you might know from the TV series My Own Worst Enemy, the Disney Channel show Shake It Up...
The drama on America's Next Top Model is truly never-ending.
Angelea Preston, a former participant in multiple cycles of the popular show, is suing Tyra Banks and the CW netwo...
HBO is already starting the promotions for the upcoming season of Game of Thrones. Late Tuesday a very short teaser appeared alongside a link to a new website.
Check it...
You're probably not going to get a second season of Selfie, but at least you'll be able to finish out the current season
Despite some positive reviews, ABC...
Rachel McAdams is set to join the cast of True Detective for season two.
The first season of True Detective was set in Louisiana and starred Matthew McConaugh...
Amazon's first live-action kids series aimed at older kids (those aged six to 11) is now available to stream – the first six episodes at least.
Gortimer Gibbon’s Life on No...