Twitter has launched its official Tweet button for publishers to place on their content. There are numerous unofficial buttons out there that publishers have been taking advanta...
Twitter users in the U.S. can now follow Twitter accounts via SMS without actually signing up for Twitter. You can also now sign up for Twitter via SMS . To follow someone this...
Social media is still a hot button issue within some organizations, because it only takes one tweet in a moment of poor judgment to bring a round of a round of negative attentio...
NASA said today it will give 150 of its Twitter followers an inside look at its space program and the chance to view a space shuttle launch in person....
Whether the relatives of a deceased person would prefer to clean up his (or her) online presence or save his (or her) tweets for eternity, Twitter's now prepared to help them ac...
Whatever company handles Twitter's business cards should soon be tasked with printing a lot more batches. Twitter's hired two people away from Facebook and Yelp, and these...
The developers of TweetDeck are getting ready to beta test TweetDeck for Android, a move some might call long overdue. The incredible growth that Android is seeing is making the...
More Internet users are turning to social media to get help for themselves or others during emergencies, according to a new survey from the American Red Cross.
Active Twitter users are three times more likely to impact a brand's online reputation via Tweets, blog posts, articles and product reviews than the average consumer, according...