We get our first look at Far Cry 3's multiplayer today with a narrated 5 minute long video! The video focuses on a capture the flag type game and shows a bunch of cool things like...
Considering its predecessor, Far Cry 2, came out in 2008, the build-up for the third installment has been brewing for a few years now. Thanks a new trailer, you can now...
GDC is a great place for developers to share insights and ideas with each other for one week a year. Ubisoft wants to create the GDC experience year round with a new blog directed...
Earlier today on Kotaku, a reader emailed in 2 pictures. One of the release date and some pre-order bonuses. The other picture is the interesting one, it features the hero infront...
Ubisoft held a conference call today with investors to announce a couple of new products for the coming year - the most exciting being Assassin’s Creed 3....