28 performances, on 3 stages, over the course of one weekend. That's the pitch for the Budweiser-sponsored "Made in America Fest," set to kick off this Saturday in Philadelphia's...
The 69th Venice International Film Festival begins tomorrow and features the premiere of 18 movies from across the world that will compete at the event. The festival will run from...
After weather delays, the 2012 Republican National Convention will really get underway today with speeches from the likes of Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, and Ann Romney. This mo...
Say what you want about the coverage of the 2012 London Olympics in the States (and I'm sure you have a lot to say), but YouTube and NBC's partnership accounted for a lot of stream...
Google announced the launch of a new YouTube app for PlayStation 3 today.
"The app brings the full experience to PlayStation 3 for the first time, helping viewers find their fa...
A deleted scene from The Walking Dead Season 2 is making the rounds on YouTube. The show has become a huge hit, and the Internet has only served to build the buzz for the show, whi...
Today, thousands of music lovers will gather in Chicago's Grant Park for the three-day blowout that is Lollapalooza. Unfortunately, the large majority of people who would love to...