Time Magazine revealed this morning its choice to be Person Of The Year, the honor they give to the person, whether literal or abstract, to be the most influence over the course of events in the past year. This year’s honor was awarded to…
It’s not the first time that Time has given the title to someone other than a specific, proper person (that 2006 award to “You” as the Person of the Year still sticks in my craw), but of course this decision – as with just about any list you’re likely to find in this end-of-year times – at once ruffled some feathers and pleased many. Reactions on Twitter ranged from indignant to celebratory, some tongue-in-cheek (maybe?) self-congratulations, humorous, and disbelief that a certain recently deceased inventor was passed over for the award. Interesting, too, is that most people want to spell protester as “protestor” (myself included).
Here’s a sample of what you’ll find on Twitter today regarding the Person of the Year:
Breaking: “Protesters” named Time Magazine Persons of the Year; SEAL Team 6 not available for comment
@TIME magazine’s Person Of The Year choice.
I’d like to protest vociferously atTime Magazine’s Person of the Year is… “The Protestor”. Knowing him, I don’t think he’ll be happy about it.
Our protesters are among the person of the year in Time magazine
Thank you, Time Magazine, for naming me Person of the Year. Every morning I protest that my wife won’t make waffles
TIME’s Person of the Year is “The Protester.” Runner-up was ‘The Paid-in-Full Subscriber.”
Do the status-quo defenders protesting TIME for making The Protestor Person of the Year realize that it includes them too?
BREAKING: Fox News Names Pepper Spray Person of the Year
The Protestor is Time Magazine’s person of the year? They picked someone that has no clear point of view,damages property, & doesn’t shower!
@TIME The 2011 Person of the Year is The Protester http://t.co/GrVtWXv0 #POY2011
The year of the protester! RT@verdepr: ‘The Protester’ is named @TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year…
Better than their “YOU” choice a few years ago. RTfunny how ppl are taking Time Person of Year “the protester” as only an occupy thing, when Arab Spring protesters toppled governments
@Time’s Person of the Year http://t.co/sOnz6SID
Why Steve Jobs isn’t@AppleInsider Steve Jobs loses to ‘The Protester’ as Time’s 2011 Person of the Year http://t.co/2j0xMPWn
Sad indication of our society. RTHonestly, the fact that so many people seem to think that the most important thing Steve Jobs did this year – dying! – positioned him to be honored as Person of the Year is an insult to the legacy of a man that those very same people have beatified since his death. Saint Jobs did a lot of innovative things and changed the way we communicate, sure, but the Person of the Year isn’t Time Magazine’s fancy way of eulogizing someone important. But anyways. What do you think? Agree or disagree with the choice? Comment below.