Top B2B Marketing Strategies for 2024: A Strategic Approach to Drive Growth

Pierre Herubel, a well-known figure in B2B marketing, advises companies in a recent LinkedIn post to focus on "studying the audience first and understanding why and how they buy." This data-driven app...
Top B2B Marketing Strategies for 2024: A Strategic Approach to Drive Growth
Written by Rich Ord
  • As businesses gear up for 2024, B2B marketing leaders are refining their approaches to capture demand, drive engagement, and build long-term relationships. With a myriad of options—content strategies, paid ads, outbound campaigns, and network effects marketing—choosing the right tactics can feel overwhelming.

    Pierre Herubel, a well-known figure in B2B marketing, advises companies in a recent LinkedIn post to focus on “studying the audience first and understanding why and how they buy.” This data-driven approach is crucial for developing targeted, effective marketing strategies.

    Listen to our conversation on the Top B2B Marketing Strategies for 2024. Closed-Won!


    Understanding Your Audience to Drive Success

    In 2024, knowing your customer is the cornerstone of any B2B marketing plan. Herubel emphasizes that understanding both “why” your audience buys and “how” they make purchasing decisions will dictate the message and where it should be delivered. By studying the behavior and preferences of your ideal customer profile (ICP), marketers can fine-tune their strategies and allocate resources accordingly.

    This sentiment is echoed by Matt Swain, a mid-market growth strategist, who states, “It’s all about studying our ICP and understanding their buying habits—that’s the key to unlocking targeted marketing strategies.” Knowing your audience informs not only the creative aspects of marketing but also where to focus efforts for the best return on investment.

    Prioritizing Short-Term and Long-Term Tactics

    Balancing immediate results with long-term growth is another critical challenge in 2024. Many experts, including B2B growth marketing leaders like Or Livne, advocate for a mix of both short-term and long-term tactics. Livne notes, “The most effective strategy is to combine 2-4 long-term goals with short-term tactics. The need to capture early adopters versus crossing the chasm is essential in B2B SaaS.”

    Herubel has created a quadrant model to help businesses visualize this balance. He categorizes marketing efforts based on the speed of results and the level of resource investment, offering a guide to “diversifying tactics for fast results and long-term outcomes.” For instance, outbound campaigns and paid ads might bring quick wins, while content marketing and SEO offer scalable growth over time.

    Fast Results: Outbound Campaigns and Paid Ads

    For companies looking to generate immediate traction, outbound campaigns and paid advertising remain reliable tools. These tactics target high-intent buyers and can quickly drive leads, especially when paired with well-researched ICP data. Paid ads, in particular, help capture demand at key moments in the buyer’s journey. As Karthik Subramanian points out, “Proving marketing isn’t an expense but a driver of results is key when talking to CFOs.”

    Outbound campaigns, such as account-based marketing (ABM) initiatives, allow for highly targeted approaches. “Mid-funnel plays with fast ROI like targeted outbound and paid demand capture are critical,” says Liran Herlinger, a fractional CMO specializing in startup growth. Herlinger believes that, especially for lean teams, focusing on a few key channels can yield better results than spreading efforts too thin.

    Long-Term Growth: Content Strategy and SEO

    While short-term tactics can generate quick results, long-term strategies like content marketing and SEO are essential for sustained growth. Building an SEO machine, as Herubel suggests, “is a slow burn but critical for long-term, scalable lead generation.” By consistently creating high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your audience, businesses can establish authority in their niche and drive organic traffic.

    SEO, when combined with content marketing, offers compounding benefits over time. “Combining tactics like SEO and ads retargeting can bring 10x more results,” notes Gaspard Pastural, a product marketing freelancer. This integrated approach ensures that brands remain top of mind while also capturing potential buyers at different stages of the decision-making process.

    Leveraging AI for Personalization

    One of the emerging trends in B2B marketing for 2024 is the use of AI to enhance personalization and efficiency. Companies are increasingly turning to AI-powered tools to analyze customer data, personalize content, and optimize campaigns. As Cubeo AI points out, “AI-driven content personalization is becoming crucial for scaling efforts efficiently.”

    AI can help businesses tailor their messaging to individual prospects, making every interaction more relevant and increasing the likelihood of conversion. Whether it’s through chatbots, dynamic content, or predictive analytics, AI can enable B2B marketers to create highly personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience.

    Crafting a Balanced Marketing Plan for 2024

    B2B marketing in 2024 demands a strategic blend of short-term and long-term tactics underpinned by a deep understanding of the target audience. As Herubel emphasizes, “The right tactics should always start from your audience.” Whether it’s leveraging fast-result tactics like paid ads and outbound campaigns or investing in long-term strategies like content marketing and SEO, success will come to those who can adapt to the changing needs of their buyers while efficiently allocating resources.

    By prioritizing both immediate wins and scalable growth, B2B marketers can drive demand, foster lasting relationships, and position their companies for success in the year ahead.

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