Windows’ Latest Feature? Ads In The Weather App

Microsoft is at it again, seemingly convinced that what people want is more ads in their operating system, this time rolling them into the MSN Weather app....
Windows’ Latest Feature? Ads In The Weather App
Written by Matt Milano
  • Microsoft is at it again, seemingly convinced that what people want is more ads in their operating system, this time rolling them into the MSN Weather app.

    First spotted by Windows Latest, Microsoft has made a server-side change that brings ads to MSN Weather in Windows 11. Although MSN Weather looks like a desktop app, it is really a wrapper for a web app. As a result, it pulls its design and content from the web via an Edge WebView.

    MSN Weather App – Credit Windows Latest

    Unfortunately, because it is a web app, Microsoft can make server-side changes that enable things like ads. As Windows Latest points out, there is no way to roll back to the previous update.

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